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Chipmunk Secrets: Fiston, the funny little chipmunk, shows you their secrets! By Lieve Snellings

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

From the moment I cracked open ‘Chipmunk Secrets,’ my heart couldn’t help but melt at the sheer cuteness of Fiston. But this wasn’t my first encounter with this endearing little character; Elvis and I had met him before. Lieve possesses a remarkable storytelling ability that has evolved from her nature photography, seamlessly transitioning into the world of books.

While nature photography inherently tells a captivating story, Lieve has taken those stunning visuals and woven them into children’s books. These books offer young readers the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of nature from an early age. Just imagine a world where children can learn about the wonders of the natural world through the pages of books, not through illustrations, but through actual photographs taken in the wild.

That is the magic of Lieve’s books, and I eagerly anticipate each new release.

The characters in Lieve’s stories are incredibly well-rounded, almost as if they reveal themselves to her whenever emerging from their hidden nooks. I can vividly picture Fiston and his pals gathering around Lieve when she brings her camera. It’s truly remarkable how these creatures seem to have a unique story to share every time she captures a photograph. The special bond that has blossomed over the years between Lieve and her subjects is beautifully portrayed in the narrative, and it’s a tale that deserves to be told.

What makes this bedtime story so exceptional is that it isn’t a work of pure imagination; rather, it reflects the genuine friendships that exist in nature. You can see this bond in the photographs and feel it in the eloquent words that grace the pages. ‘Chipmunk Secrets’ is undoubtedly a must-have for every child’s nightstand. It promises not only a good night’s sleep but also dreams that will inspire a bright and beautiful day ahead.

View all my reviews

Book Synopsis:

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to have cheeks like a chipmunk, where food stashes can rival a treasure trove? Join Fiston, the funny little chipmunk, on an extraordinary journey into the enchanting world of these adorable, cheeky rodents.”In this captivating non-fiction story for children, you’ll discover the secrets of these adorable striped rodents. Fiston’s eyes will allow you to experience everything from their curious eating habits to the thrill of scurrying up trees and seeking refuge in cozy burrows.With simple text and stunning photographs on every page, this picture book brings the existence of chipmunks to life before your very eyes.Don’t miss the chance to introduce your children to the world of chipmunks. Embark on this incredible adventure now and join Fiston as he takes you on a whimsical exploration of these charming creatures.The world of chipmunks awaits!

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