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1. Goodreads Giveaways

This little-known GEM can give you great publicity. They have packages starting at $119. This means you can get people entering the giveaway, and they deliver to the kindle device or paperback. Goodreads is also a HUGE reader’s hub, so if you don’t already have your author profile claimed there, go over there NOW and get ’em done.

Also, I attended a fantastic course from New York Times Best Seling Author Alessandra Torre on Good Reads and Good Reads giveaway that will blow your mind and have you ready to jump on this baby. I highly recommend it.

Our good friend LoLo Paige is currently giving away 100 copies of her new book on this platform. Ask her some questions, and you won’t be disappointed if you enter this giveaway and get a book in her series because it’s smoking hot.

2. Newsletter swaps

I know some people think this isn’t a good idea, and I can see why, but you have to partner up with a trusted person when building your author business. You can’t just swap with anyone. You cultivate your list, and Those people trust you. You also have to trust the person you allow to swap lists with and write to your people.

Whether it’s the same genre or they send out the same type of messages. The thing is to get them exposed to your audience and vice versa, but you could lose your audience if you try to sell them cake when they have diabetes. Catch my drift? Try Flodesk Today

I highly recommend Flodesk for email marketing.

3. TikTok

Who is on authorTOK? Well, it’s blowing up a little right now and here is one author who is doing it right. It’s a great new place to sell your book. Some authors are reading snippets on their videos, and some are acting out scenes. Some are doing follow parties. While I see the validity of the following parties, you only get other authors following you.

I think it’s important to have readers follow you. I haven’t broken out in the Authortok AKA TIKOK world. Still, I’m watching a lot of smashing videos where the author is acting out particular scenes or having others do it and man. It makes me want to grab their book. Share some ideas you have for videos!


4. Author Website vs. Direct Links

We get it; you built your author’s website; you paid someone to create it, and you love it. It’s beautiful. Let people see it, share it with the world. The only thing is when you’re trying to sell your books, unless you are selling them directly from your site, don’t send people to your site, then have them click on a link that directs them to another site. You are losing sales this way. No one wants to click to click to another site. The more places they are directed, they lose interest.

Send them to the direct site if someone wants to check out your book and asks to see it. If they want to know more about your writing, you, your journey, etc., then send them your website. Don’t lose the sale only because you love your website so much or want people to know more about you.

Set up that author profile on Amazon if you have all your books on that platform and send them directly to the site that sells the books. If I’m clicking in multiple places to find the sale link, I’m leaving and finding my entertainment somewhere else.

Need a killer website, here is where you go! https://carbondigital.us/

5. Book Bloggers & Book Reviewers.

Do your homework. Well-known book bloggers and reviewers do this for a living. They are well known and have a HUGE following. Having a favorable review or blog written by them on your book could boost you, but you need to do your work and DO NOT harass them.

Start on Instagram under the tag #bookstagrammer. Once you follow a few of them, understand the genre that they may prefer, then know how they receive their reviews. Most will have websites with their information as well. You can even interact with reviewers and bloggers and build a relationship first. DO this first before you even ask them for anything.

Maybe read a book or two yourself before you ask for anything. You can interact with them in a recent book they read. You have to build relationships with people before you expect others to do things for you. Relationships will always be critical in every business, not just the book business.

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