The Authors Porch Blog Post - Where's Your Confidence
0 6 min 11 mths

Building confidence in writing can be a gradual process, but here are some practical ways to boost your confidence: in this Where’s Your Confidence piece, I hope you find something that will help.

Tips to help you boost your confidence

Practice Regularly: The more you write, the more comfortable and confident you’ll become. Set aside dedicated time for writing and make it a consistent habit. Life will get in the way, so give yourself grace if you can’t reach your designated time. Try your best, and if it doesn’t happen, try again. If it’s not happening regularly, reevaluate the time you set and see if it’s practical or needs to change. Either way, do what will work best with your daily life. Stressing yourself takes away from the experience.


Seek Feedback: Share your writing with trusted friends, writing groups, or mentors who can provide constructive feedback. Learning from others’ perspectives and incorporating their suggestions can help improve your writing and boost your confidence. Understand that constructive criticism is good, but it will hurt at times. We get excited about our work, so when people tell us that it may not be as good as we think, we get overwhelmed with anger, hurt, or even animosity toward the person we thought we trusted. Let go of your Ego and understand that sometimes that feedback is helping you grow. Evaluate the feedback and move on, learn from it, and ensure you utilize the information to push you toward becoming a better writer. Don’t let people into your tribe that doesn’t have your best interest at heart, and you will never get bad feedback.

Celebrate Small Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate your writing milestones, no matter how small they may seem. Completing a chapter, receiving positive feedback, or meeting a personal writing goal are all accomplishments worth recognizing. You can give yourself a small treat, take yourself out to eat, or share it on social media, but don’t stop celebrating those wins because you must be your biggest fan. If you don’t believe it, how is anyone else going to?


Read Widely: Read books, articles, and blogs across different genres and styles. Exposing yourself to diverse writing styles and voices can inspire and expand your writing skills, giving you more confidence in your abilities. How can you understand what the readers want if you’re not reading? Please get to know what’s out there, become a reader, and then you can serve them effectively.


Set Realistic Goals: Break down your writing goals into manageable tasks. Setting realistic and achievable goals allows you to track your progress, providing a sense of accomplishment and boosting your confidence.

Embrace Imperfection: Remember that writing is a process, and it’s natural to make mistakes or have rough drafts. Embrace imperfection and view it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Allow yourself to experiment and make revisions without being too critical of your initial efforts. I once heard on a podcast, “You’re going to suck until you don’t, so just write.” – Russell Nohelty, USA Today Best Selling Author. I listened to that, and I started and haven’t stopped. I wish more people would do that because we don’t know how good we could be until we continue trying. The butterfly is ready once it’s done in its cacoon, so continue growing, and don’t be afraid of those rough drafts. They are part of your cacoon.

Take Writing Workshops or Courses: Enroll in writing workshops, courses, or online classes to enhance your skills and gain valuable insights from experienced instructors. Learning new techniques and receiving professional guidance can boost your confidence and improve your writing abilities. When I started, I was signing up for everything. I downloaded every single guide that was free, and I read everything someone would give me. Some helped, and others didn’t, but I wasn’t turning anything down. I would only suggest you take on some reading material, but find out what you want to know, find a reliable source to teach it, and seek it out. Please don’t sit there without knowledge and say poor me becuase I don’t know; the knowledge is out there, and people want to share it with you.

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Find a Supportive Writing Community: Join writing groups, online forums, or communities where you can connect with fellow writers. Engaging with a supportive community can provide encouragement, motivation, and valuable advice.

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Reflect on Past Achievements: Take time to reflect on your past writing accomplishments. Remind yourself of successful projects, positive feedback, or personal breakthroughs to reinforce your belief in your abilities.

Next Big Project

Practice Self-Care: Taking care of your well-being is crucial for maintaining confidence in your writing. Prioritize self-care activities that help reduce stress, boost creativity, and inspire your writing, such as exercising, practicing mindfulness, or engaging in hobbies you enjoy.


Remember that building confidence in writing is a journey, and it’s important to be patient with yourself. Embrace the process, stay committed, and celebrate your progress along the way.

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