The Authors Porch Blog Interview
0 5 min 1 yr

Belle Manuel is a Sci-Fi and Fantasy author that revels in creating new worlds. We enjoyed having this Author interview – Belle Manuel for our blog. Check out this fantastic author and follow them for more amazing stories.

Raised in the Deep South, Manuel is a Sci-Fi and Fantasy author that revels in creating new worlds. She moved cross country to be closer to the publishing world and is an editor for independently published writers. As a general book addict and wordsmith, Manuel often finds herself lost in daydreams and plot trees.

The Firenian universe now spans six books—the Twisted Fates trilogy, completed in 2022, and the ongoing Soul Stealer Saga. Of Ruin and Wings, the third installment in the Soul Stealer Saga, releases June 5, 2023. Coming September 2023, a thrilling new series with co-author Angelina J. Steffort releases.


Flames Like Darkness will be the first in this new series. Fall of 2023, a new series, the Shyal Chronicles, is being released in a new world. Stay tuned to social media for updates.

When did you start writing?

In middle school. It was always just for fun, and then I really got into it in my twenties.

What was it like growing up?

I grew up in Texas and Louisiana with a love of reading. I was always encouraged to read, and that’s where I’d spend what little money I’d save up.

How was your early life?

It was rocky. I grew up rather poor, and we weren’t financially stable until my teen years. I feel this added to my desire to write in fantasy and sci-fi.

What has been your biggest influence in your career?

Seeing how many people love my favorite books makes me hope that one day, someone will see my work similarly.

Tell us about your newest release.

Of Ruin and Wings is the latest installment in my Soul Stealer saga. It follows protagonist Arayna Gamon on her journey to collect the lost heirs to the Dark Throne. It’s a dark fantasy, and it has some painful twists in there that are sure to make readers cry.

Which book of yours would you call your favorite child?

Of Blades and Shadows.

What inspired you to write this book?

I wanted a book about a bisexual elven assassin that takes no shit from anyone. So I wrote it.

What are you usually found doing when you’re not writing?

Watching The Office or listening to music.

What does your writing space look like?

Surrounded by books and chaotic notebooks.

Messy Writing Space

If you wrote your autobiography, what would you name it?

Someone Gave Me a Book?: Tales From the Gutter of My Mind

How long did it take to write your novel, and what was your process?

It usually takes me about a year. I have the first draft, let it get torn apart by my critique partners, and then I start the second draft. From there, it’s revising all the way down until I’m finally able to get it where I want the story to be.


Favorite reads?

Blood Heir, Monsters Born and Made, Flowers for Algernon, Six of Crows

Do you have any book recommendations?

I highly recommend Monsters Born and Made and A Legacy of Storms and Starlight.

What’s your next big project?

I have a faerie world project I’ve been working on for a while now that I can’t wait to unveil!

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Keep writing.

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