The Authors Porch Blog Interview
7 3 min 1 yr

Skulduggery by Paul Rushworth-Brown is a historical fiction with a love story intertwined with the harsh landscape, and we had the pleasure of speaking with the author for our blog. Check out this fantastic author and follow them for more amazing stories.

When did you start writing?


What was it like growing up?

Difficult because mum and dad were separated. A dysfunctional childhood mostly

How was your early life?

I played football (soccer) which was my escape.

What has been your biggest influence in your career?

Successful people who continue to strive for success and Charles Dickens

Tell us about your newest release.

Red Winter Journey is not just a novel about the English Civil War but about a family full of complex secrets and a father’s love for his son. A historic journey of twists, turns, and adventure with a dash of spirited passion. Modern writers usually don’t know what it was like to live in the past, but Rushworth-Brown has done this with great skill in this accomplished, atmospheric, and thoughtful novel.

Which book of yours would you call your favorite child?

Dream of Courage is to be released in November 2023

What inspired you to write this book?

A great love of history that is unknown

What are you usually found doing when you’re not writing?

Taking my dog Freda for a walk

What does your writing space look like?

Three monitors, shelves of books very tidy.

If you wrote your autobiography, what would you name it?

An a Pauling Story

How long did it take to write your novel, and what was your process?

One year. No process or planning. Just write.

Favorite reads?

Anything Charles Dickens

Do you have any book recommendations?

Skulduggery and Red Winter Journey

What’s your next big project?

The Ten Pound Tourist is due for release in November 2024

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Keep smiling

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7 thoughts on “Skulduggery by Paul Rushworth-Brown

  1. Rushworth-Brown has a great gift for making a distant time come to life. This tale is a deeply moving one and the reader cannot help but empathise for not only Tommy, but his poor peasant family. At first glimpse, I thought this novel was a story about the English Civil War, but it goes much deeper. It’s a story of a boy overcoming harsh challenges and becoming a man. Thomas’ brother William’s love story, is a fascinating change of pace and provides insight into feudal complications associated with class. I liked the twists to the story and the ending was a surprise that I didn’t expect. Definitely worth the read.

  2. Although you might be the kind of person who reads every new book that comes out, no matter the genre, there’s just something about historical books. Knowing that a story actually happened — or is at least loosely based on something that happened — somehow makes it so much more intriguing and powerful. Whether you’re into the opulent life of the English monarchy, courageous stories of soldiers during the English Civil War, or accounts from everyday folks who witnessed major historical moments, books based on history can offer a lot — romance, comedy, action, horror and sometimes a little bit of all four. Such as Novels by Paul Rushworth-Brown author of Skulduggery, Red Winter Journey and Dream of Courage.

  3. I really enjoyed this book. To be honest I am not one for reading books about war but this was more about family and a father and grandfather’s journey (at times dramatic but at other times light and funny) to find Tommy who had been kidnapped into the war. There is a parallel story looking back in time at a love story which works nicely against some of the more somber war tales.

    The book really started to take off for me about half way through when I couldn’t put it down. I was dying to know how and if Tommy would make it back home to Haworth. Historical fiction is one of my favourite genres as I love learning about the different places and people in history with a backdrop of true events such as here in the English civil war.

  4. This book took a while to get to me, but it was well worth the wait! It kept me on my toes and kept me guessing and I had no idea how it was going to end. I developed different theories while reading, but none of them were right and I liked that I didn’t know what the ending was. The main character, Tommy was young, complex and intelligent. Agnes a country beauty and Mrs Hargreaves a strong intelligent woman. I finished this off last night because the internet died. Great ending, didn’t see that coming. This really was a historical whodunnit! A mystery a romance told in a non vulgar or erotic way.

  5. This book was so good, that I didn’t want it to end. I can tell you now, I would not have lasted 1 month in the 1600’s for the lack of hygiene alone. ?I guess it’s what you’ve grown up with but what a hard life and yet the author captured beauty. The chapter where they are harvesting wheat… all working so hard but then stopping to eat bread, cheese and beer. I could taste it. The wedding! People so poor and yet enjoying a day filled with tradition, love, bounty, roses, “cleaner” bodies, fresh clothes, apples, pure joy…. I see it all like a movie or as if I were a guest. I’ll be reading more from Paul Rushworth-Brown.

  6. The descriptions of the setting, such as the sprawling manor, the stone floor of the great hall, and the atmosphere of secrecy in the barn, immerse the reader into the story’s world. The rich sensory details evoke the era’s sights, sounds, and smells, painting a vivid picture of life in the 17th century.
    Will’s journey from the stable to the secret storehouse brings to light the stark contrast between abundance and scarcity. The depiction of the cornbread and boiled eggs on the manor’s table is a stark reminder of the unequal distribution of resources. The manipulation of power and wealth, as well as the desperation of those who lack, create an engaging narrative tension.
    The introduction of engrossers and their control over the grain market adds depth to the historical context. The portrayal of Milton Killsin’s disdain for the Rushworths and his wife’s contrasting perspective underscores the social and moral divides of the time. These divisions resonate with modern readers, as they reflect issues of class struggle and discrimination that persist across centuries.
    Will’s growing involvement in the manor’s secretive affairs adds layers to his character. His internal conflict, driven by his family’s needs and the ethical dilemmas he faces, invites readers to empathize with his struggles. The promise of better provisions and opportunities for his family hangs in the balance, leading to a precarious decision that will shape their future.
    As the chapter concludes, the intricate tapestry of deceit and exploitation becomes more evident. The interplay between characters like Calamy, Griswold, and the Rushworths creates a compelling drama of power dynamics, moral quandaries, and the human spirit’s resilience. The reader is left eagerly anticipating the unfolding of these complexities, eager to understand how these relationships will evolve and how the characters’ decisions will shape their destinies.
    The chapter masterfully weaves historical context, rich character development, and gripping storytelling, setting the stage for a best-selling book that captivates readers with its blend of intrigue, emotion, and social commentary.
    In this chapter, the story takes an intimate look into the lives and secrets of the characters, deepening the emotional resonance and intrigue. The narrative shifts to the perspective of Milton Killsin, revealing his inner turmoil and forbidden desires. This exploration of human complexities and suppressed emotions adds depth to the story, making it a captivating read.
    The chapter opens with the somber mood of Mrs. Killsin, highlighting the fear and vulnerability she experiences due to her husband’s temper. This sets the stage for the revelation of Milton Killsin’s darker side, making the reader both empathize with her and apprehensively anticipate his actions.
    Milton’s infatuation with Isabel Rushworth introduces a complex layer of forbidden desire. The juxtaposition of his feelings for Isabel against the backdrop of his Puritan beliefs creates a rich internal conflict. This inner struggle is further exacerbated by his guilt and the impossibility of acting on his emotions due to his marriage and societal norms. The portrayal of his guilt as “all consuming” taps into a relatable aspect of human nature—the battle between personal desires and moral convictions.
    The description of the landscape—ghost-like mist, grazing sheep, and fallow fields—paints a vivid picture of the environment, creating a backdrop that enhances the emotional weight of the characters’ interactions.
    Will’s return to his family’s cottage provides a heartwarming moment of connection between father and son. The exchange of the sixpence and corn symbolizes their unity and shared efforts to improve their family’s circumstances. This sense of unity contrasts with the hidden struggles of other characters, highlighting the complexity of relationships and the masks people wear.
    As Will hesitates to share his experiences at the manor with his father, the chapter builds suspense, inviting the reader to wonder what secrets he holds. This moment of hesitation sets the stage for the upcoming revelation, drawing the reader deeper into the narrative.
    The chapter masterfully captures the tension between the characters’ desires, their societal roles, and their inner conflicts. The exploration of forbidden love, guilt, and the complexities of human emotions resonates with readers on a profound level. The meticulous attention to character development, emotional nuance, and the careful unfolding of the story’s layers creates a gripping narrative that promises a compelling and emotionally charged journey.
    With its blend of emotional depth, vivid imagery, and the portrayal of universal human struggles, this chapter contributes to making the book a best-selling literary masterpiece that resonates with readers and keeps them engaged throughout the story.

  7. A Riveting Journey Through History – “Red Winter Journey”

    Rating: ?????

    “Red Winter Journey” is a captivating historical fiction novel that seamlessly blends meticulous research with a richly immersive narrative. The author’s dedication to historical accuracy is evident in every page, as the reader is transported back in time to a world teeming with warfare, treachery, camaraderie, and love.

    Initially, the story may appear to unfold at a more measured pace, but this deliberate approach enhances the overall experience. As the plot gains momentum, it becomes clear that the pacing aligns perfectly with the style of the narrative and the intricacies of the depicted world. This well-suited choice helps the reader to become fully entrenched in the story, enabling them to appreciate the depth of the characters and the nuances of their relationships.

    For those who are fans of historical fiction and tales centered around familial bonds, “Red Winter Journey” offers a rewarding reading experience. The author’s ability to create multi-dimensional characters and explore their connections adds layers of emotional depth to the story. Readers are sure to find themselves rooting for these characters, empathizing with their struggles, and sharing in their triumphs.

    One of the standout features of the novel is the infusion of delectably dry humor. This unexpected element adds a unique flavor to the story, effectively balancing the weight of the historical events and the personal challenges faced by the characters. It’s a testament to the author’s skill that they are able to seamlessly weave humor into the narrative without detracting from its overall tone.

    What truly sets “Red Winter Journey” apart is the author’s ability to incorporate a wealth of historical detail without sacrificing the momentum of the plot. The narrative unfolds with an immediacy that brings the bygone era to life, capturing the essence of a world long vanished into the annals of history. The inclusion of a glossary for old names and places is a thoughtful touch that enhances the reader’s understanding and immersion.

    Personal biases and initial judgments can sometimes lead us astray, as the reviewer discovers in this case. The reluctance to delve into a genre outside one’s comfort zone is transformed into a pleasant surprise as the story unfolds. The relatable experience of discovering the unexpected allure of “Red Winter Journey” serves as a reminder that remarkable stories can often be found where we least expect them.

    In conclusion, “Red Winter Journey” is a testament to the power of well-researched historical fiction to transport readers to another time and place. With its masterful blend of action, emotion, and historical accuracy, this novel is an exquisite journey that should not be missed by those who appreciate the magic of the written word. Whether you’re an aficionado of historical fiction or simply intrigued by intricate familial relationships, this book has something remarkable to offer.

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