jared Millican
0 11 min 1 yr

Mage’s Maze by Jared Millican is a mystery action adventure, and we had the pleasure of speaking with the author for our blog. Check out this fantastic author and follow them for more amazing stories.

Hiya! My name is Jared Millican, and I Love to write. A couple of years ago, I got an idea for a novel, so I decided to give it the old college try, and it was wonderful. As a child, I was diagnosed with ADHD and dyscalculia, although they didn’t know much about it. I grew up a while ago in a time we call the 80s. I also had a severe learning disability in English. I was and am a terrible speller and, of course, math Yikes let’s never speak about it again!

I spent most of my school years bouncing in and out of special education classes but never got the help I needed. While I struggled with most subjects in school, I always excelled at reading. I loved reading as a child, even forbidden books. As a kid, I grew up in Alabama “Que” Dantes Inferno, Paradiso, and the other divine comedy!

As a D- student at best, the school system had very little hope, and was told to get a trade because I was good with my hands. It was a different time in the 80s. After high school, I got a job and went to Junior college and then a four-year college attending Jacksonville state university for graphic design with a minor in English. To say I struggled would be an understatement. Anywho, in my last semester, my wife found out we were having twins, so I left college 12 hours short and hustled to provide.

Six years later, I had my idea for a book and set about writing it all down. Encouraged by family and friends after I finished it, I decided to get it published. Well, that went over like a lead balloon “Rejection City,” so I self-published and sold a few. Then I wrote another book, and it sold a few. I’m currently working on several novels, children’s books, short stories and poetry collections, and even a few movie scripts! I also have one finished play about to get its first stage reading. I believe it’s never too late to embrace your dreams and make them a reality. I may not be the best-selling author, but I am happy and think you can be too.

TLDR; I am a Spaz that loves to write things; I had some learning problems I overcame!

When did you start writing?

Eight years ago

What was it like growing up?

Growing up in the 80s in the south was both fun and tough. I spent a lot of time by myself and with a core group of friends. I was a terrible student, but as I said in my bio, I loved to read comics, novels, and anything.

How was your early life?

I have two amazing parents. Not everyone is that lucky, but they have supported me through some tough spots and are a godsend! My early life was great, aside from the school aspect of it. Did I say before that I disliked school lol?

What has been your biggest influence in your career?

Short answer? My father. He taught me to work hard and, if I wasn’t good at something, to not give up. I didn’t have to be perfect, but I did have to give it the ole college try! You know how to get to Carnegie hall, son!! Practice, Practice, Practice! I can still hear those words!

Tell us about your newest release.

My latest book “Emerald City Confident” Is a pulp detective novel set in the land of OZ. I got the idea one night as I was flipping back and forth between the Wizzard of Oz and The Maltese Falcon, two awesome classic movies. Written in the vein of the old tired gumshoe, the main character Walter Diggs is thrown into a whirlwind of murder and mayhem! “When Dorothy Gale, the mayor of the emerald city and wealthy socialite’s daughter, has been murdered most spectacularly. The case is dropped in the lap of Walter Diggs, a former palace guard turned private dick. He is foisted into the investigation to uncover what the tin men couldn’t find. What he does find will shake Oz to its very core. Drugs, sex, murder, corruption, and deception. The dark side of Oz you never knew about but always wanted to.” Take this fantastical journey through Oz with a cast of misfits and ne’er-do-wells. Walter Diggs leaves a trail of destruction, sarcasm, and mayhem wherever he goes, but this case might be the breaking point for him and everyone around him.

Which book of yours would you call your favorite child?

If your asking which of the books I have written is my favorite. It would be crooked. It’s a picture book that I wrote for my kids. I got the idea from a poem by Tom Waits! I did that one out of pure love for my kids, which turned out great. If you want a free listen, I even turned it into a little video on youtube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6lxxqh8IASk&t=141s

What inspired you to write this book?

I’ve always written even though I was no good at it. This idea came to me one day on my way to work, and it just stuck in my craw and wouldn’t go away. I had to put it down to get it out, and it kept growing!

What are you usually found doing when you’re not writing?

Fixing things! My wife often jokes that I could fix anything given enough time and the right tools. I’m handy for sure, but that is usually what I’m doing!

What does your writing space look like?

In my basement, I have a nice old desk that was my father’s, three monitors, and a comfy chair, all surrounded by my little collection of toys I have procured over the years that line my bookshelves. My wife calls it the Dungeon! I call it my little cubby hole of imagination!

If you wrote your autobiography, what would you name it?

One-click at a time! Stop turning that damn channel and pick one!

How long did it take to write your novel, and what was your process?

Three years on the first one and two on the second! My process is messy and comes in spurts! I get very little free time as I have a full-time job and a family with kids. I sneak away at night when everyone is asleep, pound away on my keyboard, and try to forget about the day. I recommend the no sleep, though.

Favorite reads?

Oh man, this is a tough one! The hobbit was the first book my dad got me to read in the fantasy Genre! But my favorite book would most likely be Have Spacesuit will Travel! By Robert A. Heinlein but man, it would be a close tie between that and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. By Douglas Adams! Or anything by Robert Saprin, Terry Pratchett, or Neil Gaiman. Oh, and not to forget anyone, my friend and author C.T Phipps!

Do you have any book recommendations?

Check out my Friend and author, C.T. Phipps; his writing is hilarious!

What’s your next big project?

I am working on three novels, The Seqeul to Mage’s Maze and Emerald City. The Diggs Detective novels are so much fun. The next one is “Alice Is Missing,” Based on Alice in Wonderland, and another follow-up to that one is “All the Kings Men,” where an important fantasy land dignitary is murdered. That one is going to be a doozie! And “The Dragons Tears,” the Follow up to “Mage’s Maze,” I hope to have that one out in the middle of this year!

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Don’t give up! You can Do it! If someone like me can overcome it and get it in print, you have no worries. In the words of my favorite Z-grade celebrity Kevin Smith! Remember: It costs nothing to encourage an artist, and the potential benefits are staggering. A pat on the back to an artist now could one day result in your favorite film, the cartoon you love to get stoned watching, or the song that saves your life. Discourage an artist, and you get absolutely nothing in return, ever.” ? Kevin Smith, Tough Shit: Life Advice from a Fat, Lazy Slob Who Did Good

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More of Jared’s Books

“Mage’s Maze”

“Emerald City Confidential”


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