0 5 min 3 yrs

Tell us a little about yourself

Marisa Billions is a high school English teacher in Southern California. She holds a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Criminology. She is the author of the fiction novel, This Too Shall Pass and is working on her upcoming second novel. She lives in Southern California with her wife, Stephanie, and son Alexander and two Boxer Dogs, Max and Ruby.

Why Do you write? 

Why does a dog bark? I’m compelled to do it. From a young age, I loved to tell stories. Writing, though I have only just started my journey as an author was something I was compelled to do.

What genre do you write and Why did you pick this genre? 

I blend genres when I write. Contemporary, LGBTQ/Supernatural-Horror. Contemporary and LGBTQ because I like to write what I know. Supernatural/Horror because I’ve always been drawn to the macabre. You can probably blame my dad for that.

Tell us about your book

Like I mentioned above, it’s a blend of genres. It’s one part coming of age, one part coming out of the closet, two parts family drama, one part lesbian romance, and one part ghost story.

How much time do you dedicate to your author career? 

Not enough time, honestly. I wish I could do it full-time. Writing is an every spare minute thing for me right now. I’m a full-time high school English teacher, a wife, and a mom. So if there are a few minutes here or there, I’m trying to push out a few thousand words.

How long on average does it take you to write your books? 

I’ve only completed and published the one so far, and that took almost a full year. The second one is looking like it will be about the same. I think if I had more time, maybe half the time?

What is the best money you have ever spent on your author career? 

Marketing. Although I’m just trying to figure that piece out wholly still. But honestly, this has become an expensive hobby.

What is the most difficult part of being an author? 

Marketing. And just finding the time. Once a character comes to life in my head I just want to take the time to put them onto the page and breath life into them. When you are juggling as many plates as I am, you don’t always get to do it when the inspiration strikes, and I am stuck making notes and hoping I have the time to go back and flesh it out later.

What is the best piece of advice you have for other authors? 

Read a lot. Read voraciously. You cannot be a good writer if you do not read. You need to read good books, classics, new books, bad books. You have to know the different styles and what flows and what does not.

What is your favorite book?

 I have a few, which is probably why I blend genres. American Psycho, Bret Easton Ellis; The Mists of Avalon, Marion Zimmer Bradley; Interview with a Vampire, Anne Rice; Middlesex, Jeffrey Euganides. All of these books in some way shape or form have influenced me or inspired me at some point in my life.

Provide direct book link for purchase 

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TikTok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMdPpbHj8/



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