The authors Porch Blog Interview
0 7 min 1 yr

Rev Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 35+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry and 15+ years in the Healing industry. We enjoyed having this Author Interview – Rev Joanne Angel Barry Colon for our blog. Check out this fantastic author and follow them for more amazing stories.

Rev Joanne Angel Barry Colon has 35+ years in the health, fitness, and wellness industry and 15+ years in the Healing industry. She is the Founder of Wholistic Fitness, guiding men and women to a healthy lifestyle as a Certified Wholistic Personal Trainer, an Intuitive Healer, a Cosmic Energy Reader, a Medical Astrologer, and a Master of Numerology.

Rev Joanne has a T.V. show she hosts, Joanne’s Healing Within TV Show and she is on the radio with Joanne’s Cosmic Energy Radio Show. She furthered her ability to reach customers by creating the Chakra Balance Numerology Cosmic Energy Forecast Tarot card Deck.

Joanne has helped over 20,000 women gain confidence to be seen and heard and have the courage to walk away for their material JOB and embrace their soul’s calling.

When did you start writing?


What was it like growing up?

I’m the middle child of two sisters. My mother started working when I was seven, leaving my older sister in charge, which she was unhappy about. I was quiet and enjoyed doing things on my own. When my sister wanted to hang out with her friends, we had to go, which annoyed her. She didn’t mind me going with her, but she didn’t want my younger sister to come, so my older sister wasn’t very nice to her; her friends were not nice to my younger sister either, which made me very sad. On the days that I knew I was staying home and could play by myself, I was very happy. I don’t have many memories of playing with my sisters other than going to the pool or family events. My happiest memories are playing with my doll house, playing at school, and dancing.

How was your early life?

I was quiet and stayed to myself. In fact, I enjoyed my time alone. However, I was really never alone. I always felt like someone was with me. Some would call it my make-believe friend. With all I know now, I believe I was connecting with spirit, and they were more interesting than hanging out with humans. I spent most of my time playing school with my doll house, dancing, riding a bike, and daydreaming. I have two sisters that fought a lot, so I spent much of my time staying away from them. Sometimes their fights were so bad that I would hide in the closet until my parents came home. As they got older, they became best friends. Although I stayed away from them, we were and are very close.

What has been your biggest influence in your career?

My biggest influence in my career is my mom, Spirit Communication, trusting, and knowing there is a big purpose for why I chose this lifetime to be on earth. Having faith that I am guided to activate and utilize the scripture in my Akashic Records to put me in front of anyone that needs my wisdom, healing, and light.

Tell us about your newest release.

Currently, I’m focused on sharing my wisdom in articles. My most recent article is related to Activating Chiron Wound for Self-Care.

Which book of yours would you call your favorite child?

Healing with Numbers

What inspired you to write this book?

I am not very good with math; in fact, I suck at it, but numbers related to numerology carry a whole different energy for me. When I started learning about Numerology and understanding that every number has a meaning and frequency, numbers became magical. I saw them as messages to help heal emotions, pain, and so much more, that I wanted to share this wisdom.

What are you usually found doing when you’re not writing?

Dreaming, talking to spirit, researching, connecting with others, dancing, and working out.

What does your writing space look like?

I write everywhere, in my car, kitchen, and even when I am in the bathroom, and I always handwrite when I write. My kitchen has a bright orange wall that helps activate my creativity. When I write in my car, I usually sit by water, under a tree, or by the side of the road, and sometimes in the parking lot of Dunkin Donuts.

If you wrote your autobiography, what would you name it?

The Soul’s Calling of An Angel

How long did it take to write your novel, and what was your process?

One Year – Researching the meanings and vibrations of each number and following my intuition

Favorite reads?

I read anything that helps me understand. Astrology For The Third Act of Life, The Artist Way, The Four Agreements

Do you have any book recommendations?

Astrology For The Third Act of Life The Four Agreements The Artist’s Way

What’s your next big project?

Working on creating courses for my Wholistic Fitness Academy, A collaboration Children’s book

Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?

Write every day, even if you do not have anything to write about

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