Dark Obsessions by Delphine McClelland is an award-winning book, and we had the pleasure of speaking with the author for our blog. Check out this fantastic author and follow them for more amazing stories.
Delphine McClellad was born in Statesville, North Carolina, where she graduated from Statesville Senior High School. After graduating from high school, she took her dreams and passions to Knoxville, Tennessee, where she attended and graduated from The University of Tennessee with a degree in Anthropology. Her career path was set until life happened, and on a co-worker’s advice, she channeled her passion for reading and funneled it into writing her first novel, Dark Obsessions. When she is not writing, Delphine is known to be spending time with family and friends watching the Vol play on Saturday and the Cowboys play on Sunday. She is a member of Throne of Grace Church. For more about Delphine, check out her website at www.delphinemcclelland.com.

When did you start writing?
I started writing Dark Obsessions in 2018 while working at the Nascar Hall of Fame. At the time, I would have never thought I would ever write a book, and had I not been working at the hall of fame, Dark Obsessions may have never existed.
What was it like growing up?
Growing up for me was great. I was a very curious child, and I was lucky to have family around me that allowed me and my crazy imagination to grow and run wild. My wild imagination and obsession with vampires at an early age were the sparks that helped create Dark Obsessions
How was your early life?
My early life was good. Like most people, there were ups and downs, highs and lows. Life was life, and it helped shape the person and creative thinker that I am today
What has been your biggest influence in your career?
I am new to writing, and I would say that my biggest influence has been my family and friends. Their encouragement has been the best, and why I finished Dark Obsessions when I tried and tried to shelve it for good. My nephew’s belief that I am rich simply because I have a book makes me want to make him proud of his auntie.
Tell us about your newest release?
Dark Obsessions is a Dark Adult Paranormal Romance Novel about a 300-year-old vampire named Kairo who loves torture and refers to his victims as his little mice. Skylar is obsessed with everything about the supernatural world and even has dreams of what it would be like to be a vampire. When her world collides with Kairo’s, they are forever changed, and their lives will never be the same. Dark Obsessions looks at how the power of love can change even the darkest of hearts
Which book of yours would you call your favorite child?
While it is not finished yet, I would say the sequel to Dark Obsessions because it focuses on how two alpha personalities compromise and come together to form one powerful unit.
What inspired you to write this book?
John Voldstad played the other brother Darryl in Newhart. Without him and his push Dark Obsessions may have never existed.
What are you usually found doing when you’re not writing?
Watching t.v. I am a huge Tennessee Vols fan and Dallas Cowboys fan.
What does your writing space look like?
I don’t have a typical writing space. I mostly write in my room on a small writing table. I wrote all of Dark Obsessions sitting on my bed with my computer on top of the board game’s perfection, and don’t break the ice.

10. If you wrote your autobiography, what would you name it?
Strangely Beautiful: The Life of Delphine McClelland
How long did it take to write your novel, and what was your process?
It took me about 4 to write Dark Obsessions. While writing this book, I became obsessed with writing and sat in front of my computer all day long and wrote until I was out of ideas or creative juice.
12. Favorite reads?
The Touched Saga by Elisa S. Amore, and paranormal romance
Do you have any book recommendations?
Sadly I don’t, as I have not read anything new while I was working on my book
What’s your next big project?
Working on the sequel of Dark Obsessions and planning two spin-offs with two additional characters in the book.
Do you have any advice for aspiring authors?
I would say that if you have a dream to write or even feel you have a book in you, sit down and try writing. You never know where the creative will take you once you open up to it.
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