LM Archer
0 6 min 3 yrs

Tell us a little about yourself 

I’m LGBTQ Author LM Archer and I’m from a holler in the middle of nowhere West Virginia.

Against my parents’ wishes, I went to college and received a degree in religious studies and another in anthropology. Later, I went on to earn a master’s. I use my degrees a lot in my writings, specifically the degree in religious studies.

I live with my husband, our girlfriend, our dog, and our two cats.

Why Do you write? 

At first, I started writing to help myself get out of the darkness that lives in my head, but over time that changed. Now I write to help others. To let them know they aren’t alone in this world. I write to change lives.

I use my platform to ask difficult questions and highlight the atrocities of the world. I want to change people’s perspectives for the better.

What genre do you write and Why did you pick this genre? 

I write in gay romance, specifically m/m. I tend to write dark fiction and new adult.

I picked gay romance because I am a part of the LGBTQ community and some stories need to be told. I wanted to do it on a fictional platform because not all of it is my story. I like to write on the darker side because I find the harsh line that people set for morals fascinating.

Tell us about your book 

The Take me to Church series is a real depiction of falling in love as a gay teen amidst the rampant homophobia of the south and the mental health issues many people face. It’s explicit in the way that life is. It’s raw, beautiful, and real. I use my education in religious studies and my experience growing up in a strict Christian household to take a good, hard look at Christianity in the southern US and highlight the atrocities that are committed in the name of religion.

How much time do you dedicate to your author career? 

I wish I could dedicate more. As of now, usually, the evenings and weekends are dedicated to my author career.

How long on average does it take you to write your books? 

Probably around 3 to 6 months depending on the story and how intricate it is. Of course, editing and getting it ready for publication takes much longer.

What is the best money you have ever spent on your author career? 

The money I spend on my website. I think having a landing page like a website is an amazing tool.

I have a lot of international readers, and just sharing my Amazon link will take them to the US Amazon store. I share the link to my website instead, which has my book links and those will take them to the correct Amazon store for their area.

What is the most difficult part of being an author? 

Paradise In Death

Marketing and graphics.

When you’re an indie author, you essentially have to sell yourself.

I was never taught how to do that, and I don’t always value myself as I should. I struggle to understand why anyone would be at all interested in my life.

Imposter Syndrome is an everyday struggle for me that I still haven’t figured out how to overcome.

As for graphics… I’m not a visual person. I am creative with words so I struggle with graphics and what looks good.

What is the best piece of advice you have for other authors? 

Keep writing. It’s probably the advice always given, but that’s because it’s true.

Writing and reading can be therapeutic. Not only does it help your mental health, but it may be able to help the mental health of the people who read your work. You can’t do that if you stop writing.

Your voice needs to be heard. The more you write, the more you improve.

What is your favorite book? 

As a child, I read The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi and for some reason, it had a lasting impact on me. I think it’s because I always had a desire to run away from my strict, Christian upbringing.

Provide direct book link for purchase 

social media sites 

Twitter: www.twitter.com/lmarcherbooks

Facebook: www.facebook.com/lmarcherbooks

Instagram: www.instagram.com/lmarcherbooks

Tiktok: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM8FEA6Ek/



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