Arnold Cover
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Arnold is a Featured Author and on the cover of The Authors Porch magazine issue #2. He is a youth author with two books published and a high school student. Being a high school student for Arnold isn’t easy with such a kind soul, but he doesn’t let the world change him. Hear about his life in his own words and explore his books.

Arnold Birthday

I was born in September on a warm summer day, and am the oldest child of my parents, but I have a little brother and sister that I adore.

When I was about one year old, I had three seizures. After these seizures, there was something wrong with my feet. Walking and doing any physical activity was difficult for me, I couldn’t do what other kids my age were doing, so I was left feeling sad. but my parents were super supportive.

Arnold Surgery

My parents took me to therapy to walk better, but I was in constant pain. The one thing that made it worth my time was meeting other kids with disabilities who kept me smiling.

The doctors said I would need surgery to correct my feet’ issue, which worried my parents, but I knew I would be okay. After the surgery and a little bit of therapy, I got my robot shoes. Some people called them braces, but I liked to refer to them as my robot shoes because I could run a little faster with them.

Arnold Cast

It is challenging for people to understand me, so I have trouble making friends. I get made fun of and picked on, but I try not to let it bother me, but sometimes it just does. In school, my purpose is to help other kids learn how to go on their own extraordinary journey, like the one I go on with writing my books. a

I have learned that if someone doesn’t like me, it is their inability to see the awesomeness that is me, Arnold, The Gentle Giant.

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