Stephen Joseph
0 4 min 3 yrs

Tell us a little about yourself.

I am Stephen Joseph, author of my recent release “A Grownup Guide to Effective Crankiness: The CrankaTsuris Method” and “The Last Surviving Dinosaur: The TyrantoCrankaTsuris.” I’m an attorney who oversees litigation throughout the country, and I previously wrote for the American Bar Association “Guide to Effective Negotiation Strategies Employed in Mediation of Large Dollar Disputes.” I am also a runner, having completed 46 marathons.

Currently serving as the Second Vice President for Western World Insurance Group, I have served as the Chair of the Dispute Resolution Committee of the TIPS Section of the ABA from 2010 to 2011 and the Co-Chair of the Litigation Section’s Professional Liability Committee from 1999 to 2002. 

I have spoken and written on managing professional liability actions and negotiation techniques for many groups, including the Professional Liability Underwriting Society, Practicing Law Institute, Corporate Counsel of America, and the American Bar Association. I am a graduate of the University of the Pittsburgh School of Law. 

Why Do you write?

 A mentor of mine, Dan Goldwasser, told me many years ago that if you ever want to be an expert about anything, write about it. I also find that, since I am a long-distance runner, interesting thoughts pop up in my head when I run, so it makes sense to write those interesting thoughts down when I get home.

What genre do you write, and why did you pick this genre?

Self-help. I teach and write about “effective negotiation techniques.” To be an effective negotiator, you also need to be effectively cranky. Of course, this allowed me to be way funnier, teaching effective crankiness.

Tell us about your book.

My book is a self-help book like no other. It is not about one idea or one situation. The book uses stories and humor to give the reader anchors to learn in being cranky effectively. I call our crankiness the “common crankatsuris,” and because the infection rate is 100%, the book assists us in both the diagnosis and treatment of the common crankatsuris.

How much time do you dedicate to your author career?

Since I still have my day job, I would say about 6-8 hours a week. Thankfully, much of my writing happens when I am out for a run. The story writes itself inside my head.

How long on average does it take you to write your books?

It took me seven months for the adult book and a few hours for a kid book.

What is the best money you have ever spent on your author career?

 The best money I have spent has been doing an audiobook of my Effective Crankiness book. It is a funny book, and it is hilarious as an audiobook.

What is the toughest of being an author?

The marketing of the book. Writing is much more fun than the selling part.

What is the best piece of advice you have for other authors?

 The more you write, the better you will get. But remember not to get too judgmental on stuff you have written that may no longer be your favorite. Think of everything you have written as your children and love them all as much as you can.

What is your favorite book?

 I am a big Harry Potter fan. All the Harry Potter books. I also enjoy the Terry Goodkind Sword of Truth books.

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