Issue #9 is the last on this page (we are working to get them all on their own page. Please bare with us. Starting with Issue #10 please see it on it’s own tab! WOOHOO, we are improving each day!

I am happy to introduce Issue #9 of The Authors Porchmagazine featuring Paul Rushworth Brown a world-renowned historical fiction author
We have author features with Lisa Baker, Sally Basmajian, Rachel Corsini, Henry Mitchell, K Warfield, Krysten Lindsay Hager, Diane Billas, Beth Worsdell, Jeremiah Gilbert, Caitlin Denman, Brian W. Peterson and Jesse Bond
An Exclusive short story by Rod Gilley
Must-reads, book reviews, and much more.
Have you submitted an article yet to
Here you can read this issue of The Authors Porch Magazine, released a day early before you start the night’s events, or order a paper copy to keep as a souvenir.
The Ecopy is on kindle unlimited.
#theauthorsporch #theauthorsporchmagazine #kindleunlimited #indieauthorssupport #authorfeatures #bookreviews #mustreadbooks #cjiveslopez #getyourcopytoday #newmagazineissue #tinahogangrant #authorssupportingauthors

I am happy to introduce Issue #8 of The Authors Porchmagazine featuring Joanne Angel BarryColon , L.M. Archer , Kathleen Stone and PT Saunders
We have author features of Delphine McClelland , Dylan Brennan , Misty Rogers , Elisa Brooke
Exclusive interview with James V. Irving on his new book Friend of The Devil and the Cosmic Corner by Joanne Angel BarryColon
Must-reads, book reviews, and much more.
Have you submitted an article yet to
Here you can read this issue of The Authors Porch Magazine, released a day early before you start the night’s events, or order a paper copy to keep as a souvenir.
The Ecopy is on kindle unlimited.
#theauthorsporch #theauthorsporchmagazine #kindleunlimited #indieauthorssupport #authorfeatures #bookreviews #mustreadbooks #cjiveslopez #getyourcopytoday #newmagazineissue #tinahogangrant #authorssupportingauthors

I am happy to introduce Issue #7 of The Authors Porchmagazine featuring Joanne Angel BarryColon
We have author features of Marisa Billions Keisha Christian Shayna Astor Amy Kaybach J.R. Byers Melissa Renee-Author
Fantastic articles are written by Julia Sullivan and Tanya Ross
Must-reads from the Indie Author world, book reviews, and much more.
Have you submitted an article yet to
Here you can read this issue of The Authors Porch Magazine, released a day early before you start the night’s events, or order a paper copy to keep as a souvenir.
The Ecopy is on kindle unlimited.
#theauthorsporch #theauthorsporchmagazine #kindleunlimited #indieauthorssupport #authorfeatures #bookreviews #mustreadbooks #cjiveslopez #getyourcopytoday #newmagazineissue #tinahogangrant #authorssupportingauthors

I am happy to introduce Issue #6 of The Authors Porch magazine featuring Tina Hogan Grant
We have author features of T.K. Kess Eldridge, Nicole Lynette Paquin, Elizabeth Johnson Alan Little, Andrika Ruiz, and Alexis Casiday
Fantastic articles are written by Michael Mcgarrey and Tanya Ross
Must-reads from the Indie Author world, book reviews, and much more.
Have you submitted an article yet to
Here you can read this issue of The Authors Porch Magazine, released a day early before you start the night’s events, or order a paper copy to keep as a souvenir.
The Ecopy is on kindle unlimited.
#theauthorsporch #theauthorsporchmagazine #kindleunlimited #indieauthorssupport #authorfeatures #bookreviews #mustreadbooks #cjiveslopez #getyourcopytoday #newmagazineissue #tinahogangrant #authorssupportingauthors

I am excited to introduce our cover Adielstramiento Y Educación an amazing educator and author of Emergency Medical Curriculum.
Author Feature: Seth Maniscalco Bob McNeilKelly Seibold Jennifer Jansen Stephanie Fields Susan Joy Menchell Amber Anderson Valerie Lynne
Columns: “The Cosmic Corner” Joanne Angel BarryColon and a new column “Respectfully Relentless” Nicole Lynette Paquin
Articles: written by various authors, must-reads and so much more!
Head to Amazon and grab a copy now!

When I read D.A. Michaels book, I was in tears, angry, inspired and taken back.
How can one woman endure so much?
What is it like to be “Courageously Broken”
Issue #4 of The Authors Porch magazine features D.A Michaels as our cover, and her amazing book as a review. You do not want to miss learning her story.
Author Features: Beth Hildenbrand Sasha Amanda Fino and Josh Goblowsky
Book reviews: Jennifer Hobbs, Morgan Powell Author and Evelyn Peterson Puerto
Articles: L. M. Archer Katherine Soto Jennifer Jansen Paul Landr yTanya Ross A.G. Billig K K Weakley Joanne Angel BarryColon Vickie Jo
Poetry: Bob McNeil Katherine Soto L. M. Archer Leslie Wilderson

I am excited for the start of 2022 with the release of Issue #3 of The Authors Porch magazine.
Elizabeth Johnson and Tyrell Plair of PlaTy MultiMedia & Publishing grace the cover and tell us what it’s like leading the charge in Indie publishing.
Featured Authors:Richard Kaufman The #comebackcoach notyourordinaryCEO Kay Bey #mentalhealthadvocate Annette Whittenberger #selfpublishingmastery A.G. Billig #bestsellingauthorMichael Chukwudi #101stairbornedivision Veteran Aurea Franklin CEO Pulse The Magazine Khalid Rasheed
Columns: #thecosmiccorner Joanne Angel BarryColon #chiclit Amanda Sullivan
Articles: Paul Landry, Jaime Laine, L.M. Archer
Must Reads: Tilly Delane
Poetry Corner: Bob McNeil, Susan Menchall
Book Reviews

The Authors Porch Magazine Issue #2 explores Youth Authors and how we can focus on our youth categories.
We start our issue with Arnold Lopez, a special youth author who just turned sixteen and has published his second book. He had a couple of seizures as a toddler, which left him with a disability.
He doesn’t let it stop him from excelling at being an awesome human being and finding his voice in the literary world.
Author Features: Nine-year-old Devante Jackson, seven-year-old Deemah K, AnTonia Jackson who is an adult now, but started her journey at 12 years old.
Columns: Cosmic Corner, Alphabet Soup
Poetry Corner: Sue Menchel, Beatriz Pena,
Articles: Various Authors

Issue #1 of The Authors’ Porch Magazine features CJ, the founder,
Author Features: Dr. Latarsha Holden, Nicole L. Paquin, C.O. Valt, Joanne Angel Barry Colon, Viki Esther Change, Tammi Moses
Dr. Latarsha Holden writes her story from homeless to Ph.D. sharing insights on how the human spirit can overcome.
Articles: Marketing, Podcasting,
Join the inaugural issue and delight in the hard work of the fantastic crew of The Authors’ Porch