Calling Clarissa by Beth Worsdell
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
What do you say about a book that keeps on giving?
And when I say giving, do I really mean punishing? Wait, what?
But seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed the comedic acrobats Beth took us on throughout the pages of this masterpiece. I was left in stitches multiple times and found myself wanting to sit in the room with these best friends, sipping wine, eating chocolate, and listening in on Clarissa’s conversations over the phone chat line.

One thing I did not expect and was pleasantly pleased with was the deep parts of the book that let us look into her life and what she had been through.
I won’t give any spoilers, but beneath the surface of the laughs, this bubbling, simmering storyline was entirely unexpected and grabbed hold of you until the very last page. This book is lighthearted yet deeper than what is beneath the covers, and I absolutely loved it.
Looking for laughs and kink but not anything that will drip off the page? This is your book. You can sink your teeth into this stuff, but it won’t break off the veneers.
Bravo, Beth, you have found your stride and cracked your whip. Everyone should read this book because the fifth shade of grey has met its match for those who wanted something light and airy, yet leaving your mind to more of the imagination instead of on the screen showing what happens in this world.
Can’t wait to read more of Beth’s work. She’s quickly become my new favorite author of all time.
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