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Kelly Siebold

The Authors Porch Spotlight

Today in the spotlight, we are featuring Kelly Siebold

Kelly Siebold is a self-published author of contemporary romance.

She has Shattered, Mended Hearts, Complete Me, Beautiful Scars, Broken Ties, and the book we are featuring here “PROTECT ME” releases on April 1st.

Kelly finds inspiration from reading and everyday life.

Kelly’s Professional BioI live in TN with my husband and our daughter. I like the snow, even though, we don’t ever get much, Hallmark, and traveling. Oh, and give me sports!

Favorite Quote“I don’t believe in God” “It doesn’t matter. He believes in you.” Count of Monte Cristo

Favorite bookThe Marriage Effect-Karla Sorensen – It’s one of my favorite tropes-fake marriage. She’s misunderstood but loves hard, and he’s grumpy but loves hard.

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Engage with Kelly and learn why and how she writes these outstanding books in her Facebook group. There is nothing like becoming a part of an author’s group and getting the inside scoop on their fabulous books.


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