Tell us a little about yourself
Born and reared in Wexford Ireland, I now live in Washington State in that all-American little town of Cashmere, with my husband, kids, three dogs and a fish.
Why Do you write?
I joke and say it is because I hear voices, which for the most part is true if you count my characters keeping me up all night. I write because I love it! I love the end result and I live for the response.
What genre do you write and Why did you pick this genre?
At this moment in time, I am writing in the genre of Occult Horror/Paranormal Fantasy/Horror. I think this genre picked me not the other way around. Just like any of the other books I have written, I allow the genre to take me where it goes.
Tell us about your book
SEKHET the 1st book in the SEKHET SAGA has multiple players; characters that at times can be difficult to select one individual as the main protagonist in the story. ‘None can be defined as simply “good†or “bad’ as author David W. Thompson said in his review. It is the story of Molly Patterson. Molly, unaware of her black powers, summons the red-eyed Hell Demon Sekhet by accident. Furious, ready to kill, Sekhet demands Molly make a deal – supply Sekhet with someone to take her place! Time? Place? Sekhet will decide. Molly hides this from her coven and her friends, a fatal mistake. Everyone she loves is now in the Hell Demon’s path! The only difference between us and them, is everything.
Witches, demons and detectives…what could possibly go wrong?
How much time do you dedicate to your author career?
As many hours I can every day of the week. I never waste an opportunity to get something done when it concerns my writing career.
How long on average does it take you to write your books?
Usually a year – give or take.
What is the best money you have ever spent on your author career?
Entering writing competitions and awards. Every marketing tool is essential when it comes to this life.
What is the most difficult part of being an author?
Generally, the most difficult part is getting people to review after reading. Then there are the times when waiting for a publisher to respond to a submission can be beyond stressful. You put so much of your life into what you do, when a decline letter arrives from your editor/agent it can be heart wrenching.
What is the best piece of advice you have for other authors?
Never do not write. Carry a notepad and pen everywhere you go, and throw away nothing. There is a reason you write what you do. It may not work in that moment but it may down the line. Be open to criticism, and never forget why you started.
What is your favorite book?
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë
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